Kristen Hassen, MA, is the Maddie's® Director of American Pets Alive!, overseeing the Human Animal Support Services project, the Maddie's® Learning Academy, and AmPA!’s lifesaving initiatives. Previously, she served as the Director of Pima Animal Care Center, the open-admission animal services department in Tucson, Arizona, and before that, the Deputy Director of Austin Animal Center, in Austin, Texas. Kristen is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Arizona’s Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and serves on the Board of Directors of the National Animal Control Association. Kristen writes and teaches nationally and internationally on a variety of subjects including animal services organizational restructuring, transforming animal services culture, progressive animal control, high volume foster programs, animal welfare as social justice movement, crisis communications, community-centered sheltering practices, the Human Animal Support Services elements, and the future of animal welfare volunteer programs.